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June 20, 2020



Caucus Statement on Supreme Court Decision on DACA

The MDP Hispanic Latino Caucus  congratulates  the hundreds of thousands of DREAMers

on their recent U.S. Supreme Court victory to uphold the DACA (Deferred Action for

Childhood Arrivals) program. 


It is joyous to live without threat of deportation from the country you know and respect. It is freedom to have the opportunities and responsibilities enjoyed by all Americans.


However, it is a narrow victory. The struggle for freedom has not ended. But we do have a moment to breathe deeply, reflect and regroup for the fight ahead.


In the meantime, let’s celebrate our lives.

Click on this LINK to read about the DREAM Act on Wikipedia 

Click on this LINK to read about DACA on Wikipedia

Click on this LINK to read the full Supreme Court decision on the Supreme Court website

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