The Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) Hispanic & Latino Caucus is committed
to political representation of Hispanics and Latinos in Michigan.
Michigan Democratic Party
Hispanic Latino Caucus Bylaws
The name of this political organization is the Michigan Democratic Party Hispanic Latino Caucus, hereinafter referred to as the Caucus.
To promote the principles of the Democratic Party at all levels.
To unite Hispanic and Latino Democrats in the State of Michigan.
To stimulate a participatory interest in public affairs that will foster a representative government for Hispanics and Latinos.
To increase the political power and influence of Hispanic and Latino Democrats within the Michigan Democratic Party.
To encourage qualified Hispanic and Latino Michigan citizens to become candidates for public office, and support applicable campaign efforts to elect all Democratic Party nominees.
To support and solicit support for legislation and government action on a national, state, county, and local level which reflect the best interests of Michigan Hispanics and Latinos.
At no time will the Caucus support or endorse a candidate who is a non-paying member of the Democratic Party.
To take such action deemed necessary to affect the above objectives and support the principles of the Democratic Party.
Classes of membership in the Caucus shall be:
Section 1: Active Membership
All Michigan Democrats registered and in good standing with the State Party, and who will actively support the objectives of the Caucus and pay the Caucus dues, shall be eligible for membership and voting at Caucus meetings. With the exception of the organizational meeting in which officers are elected by a minimum of ten (10) members to initiate the charter, active members are permitted to vote in any Caucus election for office or board members if they have been members of the Caucus at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of election.
Section 2: Honorary Membership
The Caucus may confer Honorary, non-voting membership upon any member of the Democratic Party and any permanent resident of the United States who has applied for U.S. Citizenship and supports the objectives of the Caucus and Democratic Party.
Section 3: Minimum Membership
This Caucus shall have no less than ten (10) members.
Section 4: Less than ten (10) Members
When the Caucus has less than ten (10) members in good standing the state party can suspend the Caucus unless the State Executive Committee determines there is a hardship.
Annual dues shall be no less than ten ($10.00) dollars and as determined by the Caucus Executive Board, payable to the Caucus Treasurer at the time of becoming a member for the ensuing year.
Election of Officers
Section 1: Officers
The minimum elected officers of this Caucus shall be the Chair, a Vice-Chair, a 2nd Vice Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Chair and Vice Chair shall be of different gender.
Board Trustees representing 4 regions of the state shall be appointed by majority vote of elected Executive Officers.
Section 2: Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee shall select and recommend for nomination from the active membership, persons eligible for the office of Chair, Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Nominating Committee shall present its slate of officers to the Executive Board and to the general body of the Caucus at the first quarterly meeting for the new year. The Nominating Committee report shall be moved by any active or at-large member. Additional nominations may be made from the floor provided such nomination(s) are made by certified active or at-large voting members and those being nominated meet the requirements for office.
Section 3: Terms of Office
All terms of elected office shall be for two (2) years. The term of office begins at the close of the meeting at which the officers are elected. Elections must be held during a Caucus general membership meeting at the bi-annual MDP Convention. All elected officers may succeed themselves no more than four (4) consecutive terms in any one office.
All officers who hold office shall serve until their successors are elected unless they resign or are unable to fulfill their term for any reason, or if they are removed from office according to policies herein stated. Three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from Board and/or Membership Meetings is cause for removal from office by majority vote of Executive Officers.
Section 4: Qualifications
All officers shall be elected from the active members of the Caucus who have paid their annual dues and held membership at least one year prior to being elected and attended two Caucus meetings in the prior year, except those officers allowed to be appointed by the Chair. All officers who hold office shall serve until their successors are elected unless they resign or are unable to fulfill their term for any reason, or if they are removed from office according to policies herein stated.
Section 5: Elections
1. Notice of the election and the nominating committee's state of office shall be sent by the secretary to all active and at-large members not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the Election Day. Elections must be held at the bi-annual MDP State Convention.
2. The elections shall be conducted by the chairperson of a three member Election Committee. The Election Committee shall be appointed by majority vote by the members of the Executive Board no less than 30 days prior to day of election(s). The chairperson of the Election Committee shall retain all election records for a period not less than sixty (60) days following the election.
3. If a vacancy occurs in any elected office, the Executive Board shall fill such vacancy until the next election.
4. Candidates for all offices shall have no more than five (5) minutes to make campaign speeches.
5. Voting for officers shall be according to Michigan Democratic Party Bylaws.
Duties of Officers
Section 1: Chairperson
The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Caucus and the Executive Board ;shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; shall appoint all standing committee chairpersons and special committees, shall represent the Caucus at County, District, and State Democratic meetings; shall give guidance to the committee chairpersons in their work and shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of Chairperson.
Section 2: Vice-Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Chairperson shall render all possible assistance to the Chairperson in matters pertaining to the Caucus; and shall assume the office of Chairperson, should that office become vacant, until the next meeting of the Executive Board, at which time a Chairperson shall be elected to serve until the next regular election.
Section 3: Second Vice-Chairperson
The Second Vice-Chairperson shall fulfill the duties of the Vice-Chairperson or other elected officer in that officer's absence or a temporary vacancy; and have additional responsibilities and perform other duties as needed and prescribed by the Caucus Chairperson.
Section 4: Secretary
The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Caucus and the Executive Board; shall send a copy of the minutes within thirty (30) days after each meeting of the Caucus and Executive Board to the Chairperson and the members of the Executive Board; shall send notices of all meetings of the Caucus and the Executive Board to the respective members thereof; shall maintain accurate and current membership roster by name, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number of all members, shall process applications for active membership; shall keep all records available for examination by Executive Board; shall attend to correspondence as directed by the Chairperson; shall carry out such duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson.
Section 5: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall record and deposit all incoming Caucus funds within one (1) business week after receiving; shall disburse all funds by check; shall receive all receipts of indebtedness and expenditures of the Caucus; shall payout funds only as authorized by the Chairperson, the Executive Board, or a majority vote meeting of the Caucus; shall maintain an accurate and permanent record of all bank statements, receipts, disbursements and canceled checks for audit; shall keep all bank statements and canceled checks available for examination by any Executive Board member; shall reconcile bank statements and checkbook(s); shall maintain possession of checkbook(s); shall submit a financial report at all regular meetings of the Caucus, and of the Executive Board, showing and/or reporting all income, expenses, and balances of Caucus funds; shall carry out whatever other duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson.
Executive Board and Trustees, and Parliamentarian
Section 1: Members
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers identified in Article VI.
Section 2: Duties
The duties of the Executive Board include oversight of the Caucus mission and purpose, and shall be to set the agenda for each meeting and to conduct any business of the Caucus.
Section 3: Appointed Trustees
Appointed Board Trustees representing 4 regions of the state shall be appointed by the majority vote of Executive Officers.
Section 4: Appointed Parliamentarian
A Caucus parliamentarian shall be appointed annually by the Caucus Chairperson. The Parliamentarian shall have voting rights as outlined in Robert’s Rules.
Standing Committee
Section 1: List of standing committees
The Standing Committees shall be: Bylaws, Campaign, Finance, Membership & Credentials, Public Relations, and Ways & Means. Committee members shall be appointed by the President.
Section 2: Committee Function
1. The Bylaws Committee shall recommend amendments to the Bylaws to ensure the Caucus is operating per Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and the Michigan Democratic Party Bylaws.
2. The Campaign Committee shall work toward the election of all Democratic candidates for the area covered by this Caucus, including county, state and national candidates; it shall research all election districts and compile all data necessary for the Caucus to recruit, train, and field candidates for elective office.
3. The Finance Committee shall act as the Auditor of the Treasurer and shall determine and coordinate all fund raising activities; and report their findings to the Caucus and maintain accurate audit records.
4. The Membership and Credentials Committee shall see that all persons wishing to become members are registered Michigan Democrats; and shall organize and assist in membership campaigns.
5. The Public Relations Committee shall see that all Caucus activities and other information of interest, including meetings, are advertised and promoted through news and other communications media. All public communications must be approved by the Chairperson before being distributed.
6. The Way and Means Committee shall find ways of fundraising and shall coordinate all fundraising activities.
Section 1: Scheduling and Communication
The Caucus shall meet at least quarterly at a date, time and place agreed upon by the Executive Committee and announced to the Caucus members at least ten (10) days before the meeting.
Board or General Membership meetings may be conducted electronically upon request by an Executive Board member and approval of 3 Executive Board members or pursuant to MDP or State Order.
The request and approval for a Board meeting must be at least 3 days prior to the proposed meeting date.
The request and approval for a General Membership meeting must be at least 14 days prior to the proposed meeting date.
Section 2: Quorum
A quorum shall be at least ten (10) percent of the voting members of the Caucus.
Section 3: Agenda
The order of business of Caucus meetings shall be:
Call to Order
Report of the Treasurer
Reports of Committees and actions thereon
Introduction and presentations by speakers, when applicable,
New business
Elections and swearing-in of newly elected officers, and appointments of Trustees, when applicable
Section 4: The Chairperson may suspend the order of business at any time for any valid reason.
Section 5: Language
All meetings of the Caucus shall be conducted in English. (Spanish may be spoken as needed to facilitate comprehension.)
Anti-Discrimination Provision
The Caucus hereby adopts and shall enforce the following anti-discrimination provisions:
1. No position shall be supported by the Caucus which has the effect of requiring its members to condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, skin color, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation or preference, age, religion, national origin, ability, or immigration status, including relevant laws as determined by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.
2. The time and place for all general public meetings of the Caucus shall be publicized fully and in such a manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons, and shall be open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, skin color, sexual orientation or preference, age, religion, national origin, physical ability or immigration status, except in cases where confidential consideration of Party strategy is necessary.
These Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote at a regular meeting pursuant to notification in writing at least one (1) week prior to the meeting. Bylaws and any amendments made to the Bylaws shall be filed with the Michigan Democratic Party within thirty (30) days following said amendment or as required by Party bylaws.
Section 1: Dissolution
In the event this Caucus wishes to dissolve, a resolution stating the date of dissolution and reason for the same shall be adopted by a majority vote of the Caucus. When the Caucus disbands, the assets and funds, after all debts are satisfied, shall become the property of the Michigan Democratic Party.
Supremacy of the State Statutes and State Party Rules
Section 1: Inconsistencies
If any article, section, sub-section or provision of these Bylaws is inconsistent with the provisions of the Michigan Democratic Party or of the Michigan Statutes (hereinafter "State Law"), as now in force or as hereafter amended, such article, section or provision of these Bylaws shall be nullified and superseded by the provision of the Michigan Democratic Party Bylaws or State Laws with the same force and effect as if these Bylaws had been duly and legally amended.
These amended Bylaws were adopted by Caucus membership on August 29, 2020.